
Craig 'n' Dave

AQA GCSE (8525) SLR 07 – Algorithms

This download provides you with a zip file which contains all the resources you will need to deliver this topic.

It includes:

  • Student Learning Record Workbook (for use by students)
  • Student Learning Record Answers (for use by teachers)
  • End of Topic test and answers
  • Lesson PowerPoint’s for every lesson
  • Any associated answers or references sheets for class activities

This topic covers:

3.1.1 Representing algorithms

  • Understand and explain the term algorithm.
  • Understand and explain the term decomposition.
  • Understand and explain the term abstraction.
  • Use a systematic approach to problem solving and algorithm creation representing those algorithms using pseudo-code, program code and flowcharts.
  • Explain simple algorithms in terms of their inputs, processing and outputs.
  • Determine the purpose of simple algorithms.

3.1.2 Efficiency of algorithms

  • Understand that more than one algorithm can be used to solve the same problem.
  • Compare the efficiency of algorithms explaining how some algorithms are more efficient than others in solving the same problem.

3.1.3 Searching algorithms

  • Understand and explain how the linear search algorithm works.
  • Understand and explain how the binary search algorithm works.
  • Compare and contrast linear and binary search algorithms.

3.1.4 Sorting algorithms

  • Understand and explain how the merge sort algorithm works.
  • Understand and explain how the bubble sort algorithm works.
  • Compare and contrast merge sort and bubble sort algorithms.

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