
Craig 'n' Dave

Include "The Ultimate GCSE resources" with a Craig'n'Dave membership

You can purchase a 12-month membership to Craig’n’Dave and "The Ultimate GCSE resources" in a special 20% off package. That’s a saving of over £65 per year for all the teaching and learning resources you will ever need for GCSE Computer Science.

Craig'n'Dave membership

£179 + VAT

The Ultimate GCSE Computer Science Resources

£149 + VAT*

Total if purchased separately

£328 + VAT

Total if purchased as a bundle

£262.40 + VAT

Saving your school

£65.60 + VAT

Craig'n'Dave membership: £149 + VAT

The Ultimate Computer Science Resources: £130 + VAT

Total if purchased separately: £279 + VAT

Total if purchased as a bundle: £223.20 + VAT

Saving your school: £55.80 + VAT*

*only applicable with annual licence, not available with one-off purchase. VAT can be reclaimed by state-maintained schools and academies.

Already have an active Craig 'n' Dave membership?

That's no problem. Renew today and providing you have at least 14 days left on an existing Craig 'n' Dave membership, we'll deduct the cost of the remaining time from your invoice - or if you're paying with a credit/debit card, we'll issue a pro-rata refund to your payment card.

Already have an active Ultimate GCSE resources annual licence?

That's no problem either - contact Paul Long to arrange a pro-rata refund of the remaining time on your current licence.

Already have both?

Renew today, and we'll both refund you the difference. How it works will depend on whether you purchased the resources from us, but rest assured, we'll make sure you don't end up out of pocket!

Registered in England and Wales: 10442992

VAT Number: 290 9845 58

Telephone: 01452 947500

Email: admin@craigndave.co.uk

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