It includes:
- Student Learning Record (A3 version in word)
- Student Learning Record (PDF version)
- Student Learning Record (PowerPoint version)
- Student Learning Record (Exemplars)
- Set of student activities and workshops with answers
- Answers to the exam questions from the back of the SLR
- Teacher Marking Checklist
- Year 13 Recap Lesson
This topic covers:
- 2.1.1 a-d Thinking abstractly
- 2.1.1 a-d Thinking abstractly
Specific knowledge required for AS and A Level:
- Candidates need to understand the term abstraction and its purpose in the design and creation of computer programs.
- Candidates need to understand the benefits of abstraction and apply these benefits to a specific scenario.
- Candidates may be given a scenario and be asked how abstraction can be applied to it, how it has been applied or how further abstraction can be applied.
- Candidates need to have an understanding of how reality differs to abstraction and understand the differences between reality and abstraction.
- Candidates may be given a scenario/example and be asked how the abstraction differs from the reality.