A hardcopy of our popular book is available to purchase from Amazon with a PDF to share with students included in a Craig 'n' Dave membership.
The aim of the book is to provide students and teachers of GCSE, AS & A level Computer Science a comprehensive guide to the algorithms and data structures students need to understand for examinations.
Each chapter examines a data structure or algorithm explaining how it works, real-world applications, a step-by-step example, pseudocode, actual code in two languages and a description of the space and time complexity.
Suitable for all examination boards.
The book includes pseudocode and Python code for each algorithm. Source code in C#, Python and visiual basic can be downloaded too:
A collection of videos to aid you in designing, writing and tracing algorithms.
A feature of imperative programming languages, these abstractions of memory allow for the creation of higher order data structures.
Routines that find data within a data structure.
Routines that order data within a data structure.
Routines that find paths between vertices / nodes on a graph.
Algorithms take up both memory and time when executing. We refer to this as space and time complexity.
Algorithms which perform similar tasks can have very different space and time complexity requirements.