Suitable for all exam boards and courses. this PDF is available to download for Craig'n'Dave members or in paperback from Amazon.
Each chapter includes:
- A data structure or algorithm, explaining how it works.
- Real-world applications of the algorithm.
- A step-by-step example.
- Pseudocode.
- Python code examples.
- A description of the space and time complexity.
Many of the algorithms have been written and exemplified in serveral ways, for example iterative and recursive approaches, array and object implementations.
Source code for all the program is available to download in Python, C# and Visual Basic:
- A*
- Binary search
- Binary tree with an array
- Binary tree with objects
- Bubble sort
- Dictionary
- Dijkstra’s shortest path
- Graph – breadth first traversal
- Graph – depth first traversal (iterative)
- Graph – depth first search traversal (recursive)
- Hash table search
- Insertion sort
- Linear search
- Linked list with an array
- Linked list with objects
- Merge sort (iterative)
- Merge sort (recursive method 1)
- Merge sort (recursive method 2)
- Queue (circular) with an array
- Quicksort (Hoare method)
- Quicksort (Lomuto method)
- Quicksort (Variant method)
- Stack with an array
- Stack with objects